Politics of Abundance versus Politics of Scarcity
Do Democrats Need to Learn How to Build?
Liberals have long emphasized protections over progress. Champions of the “abundance agenda” think it’s high time to speed things up.
Liberals have long emphasized protections over progress. Champions of the “abundance agenda” think it’s high time to speed things up.
Abundance — Ezra Klein and Derek Thompson’s vision of a post-neoliberal America
Jennifer Harris:
For all the oaths to save the planet from cooking, too many of those oath-sayers are dead set against the utility-scale solar installations necessary to task. Their weapon of choice? The byzantine maze of permitting requirements. For all the attestations that housing is a human right, our richest (most progressive) cities have made it impossible to build homes thanks to an explosion of zoning laws. Add in safety regulations, parking requirements, and behind it all, growing piles of paperwork, compliance checks, and the added employees these things entail. The result: a system so complex that the skill most rewarded is simply the ability to navigate it — not the ability to build anything new.
Jennifer Harris:
For all the oaths to save the planet from cooking, too many of those oath-sayers are dead set against the utility-scale solar installations necessary to task. Their weapon of choice? The byzantine maze of permitting requirements. For all the attestations that housing is a human right, our richest (most progressive) cities have made it impossible to build homes thanks to an explosion of zoning laws. Add in safety regulations, parking requirements, and behind it all, growing piles of paperwork, compliance checks, and the added employees these things entail. The result: a system so complex that the skill most rewarded is simply the ability to navigate it — not the ability to build anything new.