Attention Economy

Friday, June 30, 2017

Hacker on International Trade

Patrick T. Harker, President and Chief Executive Officer Federal Reserve Bank of Philadelphia, on international trade:
Hacker notes:
“From the practical side, there is the reality that many supply chains have become as intertwined as global economies. Products whose provenance is a single country no longer make up the entirety of trade. A tractor, for instance, may be made out of raw materials shipped from Asia to South America for processing, then to North America to make the frame, then back to South America for finishing touches, then back to North America for sale, some domestically and some via the export market.
While this is an extensive chain of custody for any one product, it’s generally done for efficiency’s sake, utilizing countries’ expertise and saving businesses money while delivering quality. It makes sense and benefits all parties involved. 
But this kind of global production is particularly sensitive to trade protection because every time that tractor’s parts cross a border, they face a potential tariff.”

Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Threat Posed by Rising Anti-Intellectualism

“There’s another book out about how dumb America is getting. In The Death of Expertise, Tom Nichols takes things a step further than other analysts of the decaying American mind. He goes so far as to say “ignorance has become hip.”
Yep, in the most powerful country on Earth, the less you know, the cooler you are.
“The United States is now a country obsessed with the worship of its own ignorance,” alleges Dr. Nichols, a professor at Rhode Island’s Naval War College. Expertise is being replaced “with the insistence that every opinion on any matter is as good as any other.””

Lobbying, Pay Inequality and Corruption

Excellent piece –
How inequality makes our government corrupt and our democracy weak by Matt Stoller
“There is no free lunch. If we want a functioning democracy, we need to pay for a functioning public sector. If public servants are treated poorly relative to corporate CEOs, then we will get bribed and subservient public servants and government via the board room. Public servants, and citizens themselves, will become dependent upon private concentrations of power. If we want to stabilize our society, we must strengthen the public institutions designed to protect our democracy. If we don’t, we may not have a democracy for much longer.”

Venezuela – A Failed State?



Changing Profile of US Immigrants

Bloomberg’s Noah Smith observes:
“Unlike many of the Latin American immigrants who arrived in previous decades, immigrants from Asia tend to be highly educated. This is a result of the U.S.’s selective immigration policy -- because there is no land border with Asia, the U.S. can be very selective about who it lets in from that continent. Asian countries, especially China and India, also tend to have very large populations, and have education systems that do a good job of identifying talent. Of course, it’s worth noting that the U.S. gets skilled immigrants from all over the world, and they all tend to thrive. But China and India each have about four times the U.S.’s population -- America merely sips from the torrent of skilled workers produced by those supergiant countries.”

Canada’s Ruthlessly Smart Immigration Policy by JONATHAN TEPPERMAN

Monday, June 26, 2017

India, US and China – The Strategic Triangle

Balancing Act: The China-India-U.S. Triangle

Countering China’s High-Altitude Land Grab

For the U.S. and India, a Convergence of Interests and Values by Narendra Modi


Economic Controversies

The Minimum Wage Debate
How a Rising Minimum Wage Affects Jobs in Seattle by NOAM SCHEIBER
Interesting Report from CENTER ON WAGE AND EMPLOYMENT DYNAMICS (Cal – Berkeley)

The Paradox of American Restaurants by DEREK THOMPSON

Marshall Islands and Climate Change

Artificial Intelligence - A Game Changer

Interesting report from CBS 60 Minutes:

Indian Technology Workers Worry About a Job Threat: Technology by NIDA NAJAR

Friday, June 23, 2017

Rational Behavior and Payday Loans

The surprising logic behind the use of check cashers and payday loans