Attention Economy

Friday, August 9, 2024

Underlying Causes of Riots in Britain

Understanding England’s anarchy
We must condemn these lawless riots – but we must also confront the anger behind them.
The British migrant dream is thriving. It’s poor white boys who are in trouble
The UK has a great story to tell on integration. It is one of the very best places on earth to be a newcomer.
Is Britain falling apart?
Ed West:
“… what people dismissively call ‘culture wars’ are in fact deep-seated divisions over how we order our society, over what is right and wrong, what social norms should be, and even how we define fundamental terms like men and women. They can never be over, and many of these issues go way beyond symbolism and have a deep-seated real-world impact, from women’s sport to public safety”. 

This video I took in Leeds sums up why white communities are bubbling with rage
Elites who cannot comprehend these violent uprisings should spend time in parts of this country that are impoverished and disenfranchised
Inside the unrest disfiguring English cities
Anger over immigration will be a recruiting opportunity for the far right