Attention Economy

Sunday, August 11, 2024

Critique of US Sanctions-Based Foreign Policy

US sanctions-based foreign policy is mindless and heartless
The message from Washington to people living in countries south of the US is clear: unless you have a government that we approve of, we will make your life hell. That’s often called “democracy promotion”. Seriously!
As Yale historian Greg Grandin has argued in Empire’s Workshop: Latin America, the United States and the Making of an Imperial Republic, economic warfare, gunboat diplomacy, and state subversion were methods of US foreign policy first practised and perfected in Latin America before they were applied elsewhere.
The Human Consequences of Economic Sanctions
America’s Love of Sanctions Will Be Its Downfall
Measures intended to punish autocrats are eroding the very Western order they were meant to preserve.
The United States needs to rethink its addiction to sanctions. They’re backfiring.