Attention Economy

Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Can India Fulfill its Economic Promise?

Global Trade Needs a China Alternative. India Needs Better Ports.
Efforts to build new ports and expand existing docks could determine whether India emerges as a legitimate option for global factory production. 

Riding With a Trucker, Witnessing India’s Past and Potential
Ragib Khan’s careful journey at the wheel of a long-haul truck revealed how far India’s infrastructure has come and how far it has to go.
Women in India Face a Jobs Crisis. Are Factories the Solution?
As multinational brands shift factory production from China, Indian women — long shut out of the work force — could be prime beneficiaries.
For American Brands Worried About China, Is India the Future?
As multinational retailers diminish their dependence on Chinese factories, some are shifting production to India.

The Crisis of Indian Capitalism
Why Politicians Choose Statist Solutions Over Economic Reforms