Attention Economy

Monday, August 5, 2024

Be Wary of the AI Hype

When the AI bubble bursts
The boom in AI investment since ChatGPT’s launch has been accompanied by constant claims that the technology will transform our world. Will it?
The AI investment boom has worrying shades of 1840s railway mania
As in other bubbles, today’s investors are abandoning traditional measures of value
Has the AI bubble burst? Wall Street wonders if artificial intelligence will ever make money
AI bubble has started to implode: Gavekal Research
Tech Bosses Preach Patience as They Spend and Spend on A.I.
Big technology companies show no signs of slowing their spending on artificial intelligence, even though a payoff still looks a long way away.
Silicon Valley’s Trillion-Dollar Leap of Faith
Tech companies are spending as if AI’s transformative uses are a foregone conclusion. They’re not.
Goldman’s Top Stock Analyst Is Waiting for AI Bubble to Burst
Investors Are Showering AI Startups with Cash. One Problem: They Don’t Have Much of a Business
Some startups are raising hundreds of millions of dollars before having a product or revenue.  
The AI Revolution Is Already Losing Steam
The pace of innovation in AI is slowing, its usefulness is limited, and the cost of running it remains exorbitant

This Record Stock Market Is Riding on Questionable AI Assumptions
Just four giant technology stocks added more market value than the rest of the S&P 500 put together this month. More than half of the gain came from Nvidia.
Beware AI euphoria
Like all great bubble stories, the latest tech narrative conveys a sense of inevitability