Attention Economy

Sunday, August 18, 2024

2024 US Elections: Economics versus Politics

Kamala Harris Begins to Sketch a New Economic Vision
Can the G.O.P. Really Become the Party of Workers?
A new generation of Republicans is learning to love labor. It’s not clear if labor will love them back.

What voters need to know about Harris’ and Trump’s economic policy proposals
Specter of Trump Tariffs Hangs Over Markets
Harris’s Plan Is Economically Dumb but Politically Smart
Josh Barro:
The first example is Harris’s proposal to fight inflation through a new federal law on price gouging. My guess is such a law would be designed in such a way that it would have little effect on the market. But if it did have effects on the market, they would tend to be negative, as with President Richard Nixon’s price and wage controls in the 1970s.
According to the Econ 101 model of prices and supply, when a product is in shortage, its price goes up to bring quantity demanded in line with quantity supplied. This price increase sends a signal to producers to make more stuff. If you cap prices, you get shortages. That’s because there isn’t enough of the demanded good to go around, and producers don’t have sufficient incentive to start making more of the good to meet demand in the future.

Can Kamala Harris end America’s interregnum?
The country is still searching for its first post-neoliberal president.
Harris Needs Her Own Economic Policy