Attention Economy

Friday, March 8, 2024

Economic Development - Interesting Items

Can China pull itself out of the ‘middle technology trap’ and challenge US at the top?
Some developing countries initially benefit from low-cost advantages, but struggle to catch up with other nations once they reach a certain stage
Old development models no longer work. We must all find our own path
Whether it’s macroeconomic modelling or export-led industrialization, the game has changed with peak globalization, technology diffusion and climate change
Will Today’s Tech Wave Drown Developing Countries?
Even if AI and other innovations seem likely to fuel unemployment and deepen income inequality, no country can simply reject them outright. Instead, policymakers must navigate the complexities of various technologies' "appropriateness" to their own economies and development strategies.
The Big Push African Women Need to Escape Poverty
Research and experience have shown the effectiveness of providing women and girls living in extreme poverty with a productive asset, support to meet their basic needs, and long-term coaching and training. With this multifaceted approach, African policymakers can boost human capital and improve gender equality.
Inflation Targeting Isn’t for Everyone