Attention Economy

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Boeing - The Decline of an American Corporate Icon

‘Shortcuts Everywhere’: How Boeing Favored Speed Over Quality
Problems have plagued the manufacturer even after two fatal crashes, and many current and former employees blame its focus on making planes more quickly.

Boeing’s new fixer is no engineer – and the industry is worried
Sash Tusa, an aviation analyst at Agency Partners, says a key factor in Boeing’s decline has been an absence of executives with a deep understanding of manufacturing at the top.
He says: “If Boeing is going to sort out this mess it needs to put engineers into senior positions. It’s the hollowing out of their engineering expertise that’s at the heart of all of these problems.”

How Boeing went from an American dream to national embarrassment
What Happened to Boeing?
Behind the aeronautics giant Boeing’s recent high-profile crises and scandals is a shift in its organizational culture toward greater looseness and decentralization in pursuit of profit. To get back on course, the company needs to realign all its operations with the unique demands of the aviation industry.
Airbus Is Soaring at Boeing’s Expense