Attention Economy

Monday, February 5, 2024

Western Democracies in Trouble

Dissatisfaction with democracy is corrosive
The UK is caught in a vicious downward spiral at a time when it needs bold leadership and imaginative policy
What ancient Athens can teach modern America about law and democracy
Despite the claims of Donald Trump and his supporters, there is nothing undemocratic about courts simply doing their job
Trump Doesn’t Threaten Democracy—He Embodies It
His danger arises from his refusal to respect the institutions that serve to constrain popular rule. 

How Loud Billionaires Convert Their Wealth into Power
William D. Cohan:
I believe this is happening for two reasons: First, I’m embracing a theory in the world of social networking known as “preferential attachment”: The tendency for the rich to get richer applies not only to money, but also to the ability of the well connected to garner more attention. Second, I believe that vast wealth uniquely insulates the rich from the consequences of their speech. All gas, no brakes.
The Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision — which declared that political spending is a protected form of free speech — started as a legal judgment, but is slowly becoming a cultural norm as well, as an increasing number of media outlets, among them X and the Sinclair Broadcast Group, have wealthy owners, some of whom delight in taking a distinctly hands-on approach to making their own politics the politics of the platforms they own.