Attention Economy

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

US-China Decoupling

A China-U.S. Decoupling? You Ain’t Seen Nothing Yet
Tariffs haven’t reduced U.S. trade links with China much. Would a 60% rate do it? 

For First Time in Two Decades, U.S. Buys More from Mexico Than China
The United States bought more goods from Mexico than China in 2023 for the first time in 20 years, evidence of how much global trade patterns have shifted.

China has made Mexico a premier investment destination. Is it a US detour, or something more?
Investment in Mexico by Chinese companies has increased in recent years, and the timing suggests heightened US trade restrictions are a factor. The country has appeal outside its role as a bypass, however, with a relatively inexpensive labor force, high urbanization and growing middle class.