Attention Economy

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

America's Complicated Relations with the Rest of the World

The US Needs to Get Out of the Middle East — Soon
Once the crisis in Gaza settles, America should withdraw from the region, not least to remain able to keep order in Europe and Asia.
Europe can no longer count on America’s security umbrella
Europe Must Rearm Now
India’s Elite Worries About America
Leaders in Delhi wonder if the U.S. is up to keeping the global system intact.
The Backpack You Need Isn’t for Carrying Books
Nicholas Kristof:
Lack of familiarity with the world is, I think, one reason the United States periodically pursues self-destructive policies around the world. Perhaps the worst foreign policy mistake in this century was the George W. Bush administration’s expectation that Iraqis would welcome American troops with flowers in 2003; that’s the kind of delusion found among people who have never actually had a conversation with an Arab person. …
Time spent abroad corrodes stereotypes (of the kind one hears these days about Israelis and Palestinians alike) and shores up our empathy by reminding us of our common humanity. It also makes our country more competitive: I would argue that Utah has benefited economically because it is unusually cosmopolitan, a consequence of having a large number of residents who have lived abroad as Mormon missionaries. 
Ukraine, Gaza wars reveal how, for the West, it’s a jungle out there
Andrew Sheng:
The West cannot deny that its rise to hegemony was built on the conquest of lands and seas whose resources were exploited to power its development. There are cases of the genocide of indigenous peoples throughout colonial history, the repercussions of which are still unfolding today. Decolonisation is a long process and the Rest are still seeking their own paths of sustainable growth.
Interview – John Mearsheimer: The American international relations scholar on the wars in Gaza and Ukraine, and power competition in the Middle East.

The Atrophy of American Statecraft
How to Restore Capacity for an Age of Crisis