China’s Self-Inflicted Economic Wounds by
Takatoshi Ito
By prioritizing security and stability – through surveillance, control, and coercion – over economic dynamism, China’s leaders are abandoning some of the policies and principles that underpinned the country’s “economic miracle.” Unless they change course, the entire global economy will suffer.
By prioritizing security and stability – through surveillance, control, and coercion – over economic dynamism, China’s leaders are abandoning some of the policies and principles that underpinned the country’s “economic miracle.” Unless they change course, the entire global economy will suffer.
China’s Economic Engine Is Running Out of Fuel by
Yi Fuxian
Western observers tend to focus on criticizing the rhetoric and decisions of China’s leaders. But pointing out the errors in the forecasts on which China bases its policies – which typically fail to account for unfavorable demographic trends – may be more constructive.
Why Are So Many Young Chinese Depressed? By
Nancy Qian
Growing disillusionment and depression among younger Chinese is not merely a symptom of the recent economic slowdown. In fact, the problem has been decades in the making, and owes much to China’s rigid education system, past fertility policies, and tight rural-urban migration restrictions.
How China Defeated Poverty by Arnaud
Western observers tend to focus on criticizing the rhetoric and decisions of China’s leaders. But pointing out the errors in the forecasts on which China bases its policies – which typically fail to account for unfavorable demographic trends – may be more constructive.
Growing disillusionment and depression among younger Chinese is not merely a symptom of the recent economic slowdown. In fact, the problem has been decades in the making, and owes much to China’s rigid education system, past fertility policies, and tight rural-urban migration restrictions.