Attention Economy

Sunday, November 12, 2023

Protests and Civil Order

The police are not to blame for these protests. Politicians are
Janet Daley:
Obviously this is grotesquely unfair. It means that the more rational and responsible group is more likely to be suppressed than the aggressive, potentially threatening one. It is the very opposite of rewarding good behaviour. But if your remit is to keep as many people safe as possible and to reduce the risk of volatile social unrest – which must be the top priority of the police in a free society – then it makes sense.
It cannot be a solution to any of the larger problems that are playing out in the public square – the failures of integration and the irreconcilable resentments of some minorities which are being inflated and exploited by the usual Left wing opportunists – but the police are not there to provide solutions to political problems. 

Free speech can’t flourish online
Social media is an outrage machine, not a forum for sharing ideas and getting at the truth