Attention Economy

Monday, October 16, 2023

Global Disorder - The World Appears Increasingly Chaotic

A new geopolitical dark age is about to shatter the West’s fatal illusions
Alarm is already growing in Europe that arms shipments bound for Ukraine will have to be redirected to Gaza. If the West becomes bogged down in a multi-year Arab-Israeli conflagration, Beijing may also be tempted to take advantage with a shock invasion of Taiwan. Does anyone seriously think that the US would be able to effectively fight three proxy wars on three continents at the same time, not least given its own fractious politics? America can no longer be the world’s policeman. 

Xi and Putin Think They’re Winning — and Maybe They Are
With hindsight, the last time Vladimir Putin visited Xi Jinping in China, just three weeks before Russia invaded Ukraine, was a moment of hubris — two supremely confident leaders marking their bid to shake up a world organized by and for the US and its allies. Well, they certainly shook it up, even if not in the way they intended. Putin’s catastrophic error in attempting to invade a neighbor the size of France as though it were a glorified training exercise has, by some estimates, resulted in halving Russia’s military strength. The supercar that was China’s economy, meanwhile, has sputtered into the slow lane, with forecasts of when it will overtake the US in current dollar terms pushed into the future. So, it’s tempting to imagine Xi and an increasingly dependent Putin humbled at their reunion, the sinews of their “unlimited’’ bond already tearing. But that, to borrow a wonderful phrase from Sarah Paine, a professor of history and grand strategy at the US Naval War College, would be playing “half-court tennis” — the kind where you never see the next ball coming because you aren’t paying attention to the other side’s game.

China and Russia harden positions on Gaza as war stirs geopolitical tensions

The Hamas Apocalypse has crafted a New World Order

The international order is under more stress, in more places, than at any time since the chaotic aftermath of World War II.

Civilisational conflict defines our age. It mustn’t play out on our streets

The future will be made in America
By sharing leadership with India, the US could fend off the challenge of China.

India Isn’t Signing Up for China’s New World Order
The United States isn’t the only competitor getting in the way of China’s global ambitions.