Attention Economy

Monday, July 31, 2023

Climate Change - Economic and Social Impact

MIT Economist Robert Pindyck: Why it’s time to prepare for the worst on climate change
Business and society must invest in adaptation now despite uncertainty about the impact

It’s not just hot. Climate anomalies are emerging around the globe.
A glimpse of a more tumultuous future seemed on full display throughout July, a month packed with weather events that exceeded any definition of normal.

The Economic Cost of Houston’s Heat: ‘I Don’t Want to Be Here Anymore’

Heat Is Costing the U.S. Economy Billions in Lost Productivity

The Economic Fallout from Extreme Heat Will Rise Over Time
Among the costs of very high temperatures: reduced labor productivity, damaged crops, higher mortality rates, trade disruption and dampened investment.  

The world’s oceans are at temperatures beyond belief. Here’s where they’re hottest.