Attention Economy

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Tech Innovation – Beware of the Hype

Crypto shows we shouldn’t venerate ‘innovation’ for its own sake
Jemima Kelly notes:
“Why is it, therefore, that we have come to see “innovation” as such an unalloyed good, and why is “stifling” it so unequivocally bad? Surely the objective of the innovation — and the possible repercussions — should matter, too. Innovation might be crucial in making progress in all sorts of areas, such as medicine or science, but we seem to have got to a place where it is the idea itself that we venerate. That is wrong-headed: innovation should not be seen as an end in itself, but as a means of making something better.” 

Why Big Tech pretends AI is dangerous
Saying you own a doomsday device only proves your power to investors.
The godfathers of AI are at war
Existential threat or humanity’s salvation? The founders of AI don’t know what’s next.