Attention Economy

Thursday, June 15, 2023

Does Higher Education Need an Overhaul?

The Toyota Corolla Theory of College
Higher education risks becoming a cut-price assembly line. There’s a better way of producing good learning.
America’s Educational Superpower Is Fading

One Culprit in Rising College Costs: Administrative Expenses
“The steady growth in administrative and nonteaching staff positions is largely due to broader student support, often referred to as “wraparound services,” in areas such as mental health, entertainment, intramural sports, academic support, workforce preparedness and initiatives focused on diversity, equity and inclusion. Administrative positions in these areas typically are salaried rather than hourly or part-time, and are increasing while the ranks of tenured faculty are flat or declining along with secretarial, maintenance, groundskeeping and other such jobs, experts note”. 

College Isn’t the Only Path to Success
Expanding alternatives to higher education would fill skills shortages, boost opportunity and reduce student debt. Why isn’t Washington on board?