Attention Economy

Friday, June 30, 2023

Truth about College Costs

The Truth about College Costs
Americans think college tuition is rising out of control. But it would be more accurate to say that tuition rates are dishonest and indecipherable. They are distorted by a system that deliberately lists tuition levels much higher than what students pay, causing needless anxiety for millions of families, forcing college leaders onto an annual high-sticker-price/high-discount merry-go-round, and distorting our debates about student debt.

College prices aren’t skyrocketing—but they’re still too high for some 

One Culprit in Rising College Costs: Administrative Expenses
“The steady growth in administrative and nonteaching staff positions is largely due to broader student support, often referred to as “wraparound services,” in areas such as mental health, entertainment, intramural sports, academic support, workforce preparedness and initiatives focused on diversity, equity and inclusion. Administrative positions in these areas typically are salaried rather than hourly or part-time, and are increasing while the ranks of tenured faculty are flat or declining along with secretarial, maintenance, groundskeeping and other such jobs, experts note”. 

My take: Health care and higher education: Key drivers of long-term inflation

Behavioral Science Research - Troubling Issues

Harvard Scholar Who Studies Honesty Is Accused of Fabricating Findings
Harvard fraud claims fuel doubts over science of behavior

Distribution of Student Debt

India and the Persian Gulf

India Has Become a Middle Eastern Power 

The End of LIBOR

The End of LIBOR Is (Finally) Here
It has been an arduous process to get the financial system to stop relying on the tarnished interest-rate benchmark. 

Interest rate 'rigging' evidence 'covered up' by banks
Andy Verity, BBC economics correspondent, notes:
Documents suggest lenders sharply dropped their interest-rate estimates after pressure from central banks. Evidence was not shown to juries at the time when bankers were jailed for smaller-scale interest-rate "rigging". Regulators said they had followed disclosure rules, declined to comment or in one case rebutted the claims.
Some evidence has previously emerged of Bank of England and UK government involvement in manipulation of interest rates. But the evidence indicating it was part of a broader, international drive not just by the UK but by central banks across the western world to push key interest rates down in October 2008 has never been published before.
The evidence indicates that in October 2008, central banks including the Bank of England, the Banque de France, the European Central Bank, Banca d'Italia, Banco de Espana and the Federal Reserve Bank of New York intervened on a large scale in the setting of Libor and Euribor.

Race, Merit, and College Admissions - The Significance of the SCOTUS Decision

Harvard Undermined Itself on Affirmative Action
David French:
To understand why Harvard lost — and why race-based affirmative action in public colleges and federally funded private schools is now unlawful — it’s necessary to understand two key facts about the case. First, the evidence is overwhelming that Harvard actively discriminated against Asian applicants. As Chief Justice John Roberts notes in his majority opinion, a Black student in the fourth-lowest academic decile had a higher chance of admission to Harvard than an Asian student in the top decile.
This discrimination wasn’t unique to Harvard. As Chief Justice Roberts makes clear, the University of North Carolina — which was a defendant in a separate case about its admissions process — also imposed far tougher admission standards on Asian students. Compounding the injustice, Asian Americans were already historically marginalized. As Justice Clarence Thomas details in his concurrence, “Asian Americans can hardly be described as the beneficiaries of historical racial advantages.” 

Affirmative Action betrayed black America. It was not true equality
Affirmative action betrayed black America. Far from addressing long-standing structural inequalities, it institutionalised the deeply racist idea that black people were incapable of attaining positions of excellence and high achievement on merit alone. It suggested that only through reliance on paternalistic white offerings could they ever succeed.

Supreme Court Strikes Down Affirmative Action in College Admissions
A majority of Americans say race should not be a factor in college admissions.
A Middle Ground on Race and College

Attacking ‘merit’ in the name of ‘equity’ is a prescription for mediocrity
George F. Will observes:
“A meritocratic society has less discord than a society that abandons meritocratic principles. Equity, pursued through government-driven allocation of social rewards, drenches society with bitter distributional conflicts because wealth and opportunity are allocated by political power according to shifting standards contested by competing factions. Allowing the market to articulate preferences, without seeking to decide — who will decide who the deciders are? — the preferences’ moral worth, promotes domestic tranquility”.  

Payoff-based College Admissions by Frederick M. Hess
Elite universities present themselves as bastions of meritocracy. But they routinely offer the children and grandchildren of major donors an easy path to admission, even when those students wouldn't otherwise qualify. Worse yet, the donations that open these doors are tax-deductible, and therefore heavily subsidized by taxpayers. Some questions surrounding college-admissions policies are complex and profound, but this one is painfully simple: We should press college officials to mean what they say about opportunity and equity, and to spend less time strong-arming wealthy donors. But at a bare minimum, we should get taxpayers out of the business of subsidizing campus shakedown artists.

Elite Colleges’ Quiet Fight to Favor Alumni Children
Colleges like Yale and Harvard give a boost to legacy applicants. But with affirmative action under attack, that tradition may become harder to defend. 

Thursday, June 29, 2023

Wealth Effect and Consumer Spending

There’s a $75 trillion reason the economy won’t crash into a recession, top economist says: Baby boomers’ pent-up net worth 

Man versus Nature

Can society turn down damaging levels of light pollution?

Finance - Interesting Items

‘Hot Money’ Is Piling Up at Banks and It’s Starting to Take a Toll
Investors scrutinize cost of surging brokered deposits and FHLB loans as midsize banks bear brunt of higher interest rates.

Americans love American stocks. They should look overseas
Even if shifting to foreign shares after such a long winning streak feels risky 

Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Tea and Dollars

Fertilizer imports spur supply recovery, buoying crucial export revenue

Why TCM Matters

Nearshoring Benefits Mexico

Learning Loss and Academic Performance

Why K-12 education’s alarming decline could be a dominant 2024 issue 

National test scores plunge, with still no sign of pandemic recovery
Student scores released by the National Assessment of Educational Progress show the single largest drop in math in 50 years. 

Labor Issues in India and China

Too Many Workers, or Too Few: India’s Colossal Employment Challenge
In some places, educated young people are desperate for steady employment in the world’s most populous nation. In others, factory owners struggle to retain workers.
No Job, No Marriage, No Kid: China’s Workers and the Curse of 35 

Tuesday, June 27, 2023

Global Competition to Recruit High-Skilled Talent

With new ‘talent visas,’ other countries lure workers trained at U.S. universities
While foreign-born applicants who want to work in the United States face red tape and long delays, new “talent visas” in the U.K., Australia, Canada and elsewhere are luring away people who have some of the world’s most in-demand skills.
Now these countries are homing in on another target: international students being educated at U.S. universities to work in tech and other high-demand fields.

Building Infrastructure in the US

From the Hoover Dam to the Second Avenue subway, America builds slower 

Years of Delays, Billions in Overruns: The Dismal History of Big Infrastructure 

Why does it cost so much more to build transportation networks in the US than in the rest of the world?

Why it costs more to build and maintain US infrastructure

The Problem with Ultra-Processed Foods

Melted, pounded, extruded: Why many ultra-processed foods are unhealthy
Industrial processing changes the structure of food. Experts say it can affect how much you eat and absorb, your weight and your risk for chronic disease. 

Foreign Policy Complications

The Terror of Threes in the Heavens and on Earth
Physicists have long explored how phenomena in groups of three can sow chaos. A new three-body problem, they warn, could lead to not only global races for new armaments but also thermonuclear war.
America is feeling buyer’s remorse at the world it built 

The India-Japan-Bangladesh triangle is worth watching
New Delhi and Tokyo are jointly supporting new infrastructure to counter China

Overpaid Interns

Future of Urban Centers

‘I don’t want to become San Francisco’: Urban woes spur state action on housing

Salt Lake City Ups the Ante in Bid to Become a Fintech Hub
A new education center in the city aims to produce employees who are equipped to work in financial technology

Environmental Economics - Interesting Items

Monday, June 26, 2023

Golden Passports

The ultimate score for rich people? “Golden” passports.
A few hundred thousand dollars can buy citizenship in some very pretty places. 

Blanchard on Fischer

On Stanley Fischer and MIT by Olivier Blanchard 

Markowitz and the Modern Portfolio Theory

Nobel Laureate Harry Markowitz Was a Misunderstood Economist
The real distinction between investing and gambling is that investors deal in the real economic risk that comes from economic activity, while gamblers create risk with dice or cards or sporting events or other devices in order to bet. But that economic point did not occur to Markowitz, none of his work recognized the connection between security risk and the economy, he optimized portfolios exactly the same way he would approach a gambling game.
Only when real economists picked up on Markowitz’s work did it become economics. The crucial added element was the Efficient Market Hypothesis, or EMH, which is an economic assumption, not a mathematical one. When the economics of EMH is added to the mathematics of MPT, you get the financial revolution that created the Capital Asset Pricing Model and its many descendants.

Varian, Hal. 1993. "A Portfolio of Nobel Laureates: Markowitz, Miller and Sharpe." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 7 (1): 159-169.

What is the Purpose of Travel?

 The Case Against Travel
Agnes Callard:

"Imagine how your life would look if you discovered that you would never again travel. If you aren’t planning a major life change, the prospect looms, terrifyingly, as “More and more of this, and then I die.” Travel splits this expanse of time into the chunk that happens before the trip, and the chunk that happens after it, obscuring from view the certainty of annihilation. And it does so in the cleverest possible way: by giving you a foretaste of it. You don’t like to think about the fact that someday you will do nothing and be nobody. You will only allow yourself to preview this experience when you can disguise it in a narrative about how you are doing many exciting and edifying things: you are experiencing, you are connecting, you are being transformed, and you have the trinkets and photos to prove it.".

Material World

Competitive Job Markets - A Global Perspective


US Housing Market Resiliency

Sunday, June 25, 2023

Money Markets/Bonds versus Stocks

Yes, There Are Alternatives to Stocks
At the moment, money market funds and many bonds are not only less risky, but at current interest rates, they are compelling. 

Interest Rates and the Economy


Friday, June 23, 2023

Inflation in Japan

Japan inflation shows no sign of easing as yen slides further
From instant noodles to hotels, businesses play catch-up on price hikes 

The Upper Middle Class is Worried

India and the West

How India is slowly moving into the American orbit
The Whitehall Blob is hampering our relationship with India
While the US is forging a closer partnership with this vital ally, recognising its role in countering China, we risk falling behind 

India's infrastructure and logistics transformation is for real
By understanding policy environment, companies can capitalize on opportunities

India’s diaspora is bigger and more influential than any in history

A Global Crisis Involving CREs?

The office real estate crash will be so sharp and deep that Capital Economics thinks office values are unlikely to recover by 2040

The World’s Empty Office Buildings Have Become a Debt Time Bomb
From San Francisco to Hong Kong, higher interest rates and falling property values are bringing the commercial real estate market to a perilous precipice.
Why a Crisis Is Looming in Commercial Real Estate 

Rising Tensions Between India and China

Inside India's strategic Zojila Tunnel near the tense China border
Workers brave tough terrain to ensure all-year access for army, residents
India and China Are Locked in a Cycle of Mutual Spite 

Fareed Zakaria:
Now, the rise of China has finally gotten India’s attention. The 2020 clash in the Himalayas — when Chinese and Indian soldiers fought bitterly over a disputed border area — was a wake-up call for India’s strategic elite and, to some extent, the entire country. Public sentiment shifted sharply, and today a large number of Indians regard China with hostility. For its part, Beijing has done little to try to solve the problem. It has actually reinforced its military infrastructure along the border, which would allow it to surge troops whenever it sees the need. Since the clash three years ago, India has constrained or outright banned many Chinese companies and technologies from operating in its market, including Huawei and TikTok. The threat from China will motivate India to strengthen its ties with the United States for decades to come.

Rise of Korean-American Filmmakers

Celine Song’s Excellent First Feature Film: Past Lives

Religion in Africa

The Competition for Believers in Africa’s Religion Market
On a continent whose growing population presents enormous opportunities for Christianity and Islam, both faiths are adapting to charismatic modes of worship and indigenous traditions. 

Sticky Inflation – Impact on Investors

Agricultural Revolution in India

India’s journey from agricultural basket case to breadbasket
Technology and market forces are overcoming the heavy hand of the state 

Remote Work May Boost Female Labor Force Participation

Remote work appears to be here to stay, especially for women 

Thursday, June 22, 2023

Tech Innovation – Beware of the Hype

Crypto shows we shouldn’t venerate ‘innovation’ for its own sake
Jemima Kelly notes:
“Why is it, therefore, that we have come to see “innovation” as such an unalloyed good, and why is “stifling” it so unequivocally bad? Surely the objective of the innovation — and the possible repercussions — should matter, too. Innovation might be crucial in making progress in all sorts of areas, such as medicine or science, but we seem to have got to a place where it is the idea itself that we venerate. That is wrong-headed: innovation should not be seen as an end in itself, but as a means of making something better.” 

Why Big Tech pretends AI is dangerous
Saying you own a doomsday device only proves your power to investors.
The godfathers of AI are at war
Existential threat or humanity’s salvation? The founders of AI don’t know what’s next.

Turkey Tries Orthodox Economic Policies

The end of ErdoÄŸanomics? Turkey almost doubles interest rates to fight inflation

Turkish Central Bank Jacks Up Interest Rates in Reversal for Erdogan 

From Wall Street to the Toughest Job in Turkey
New central bank chief Hafize Gaye Erkan faces a tricky economy after a career at Goldman Sachs and First Republic Bank

Brits Reconsider Their History

Britons are starting to examine, at long last, their ignoble colonial history 

Wall Street Pay - Lawyers versus Bankers

On Wall Street, Lawyers Make More Than Bankers Now
Superstar attorneys can rake in more than $15 million a year, while banker pay has hardly budged 

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Exodus from Flood-Prone Areas

Thousands of Americans are leaving homes in flood-risk areas. But where are they moving to?
Managed retreat: a nationwide study of the local, racially segmented resettlement of homeowners from rising flood risks

Housing and the British Economy

Britain has been afflicted by the same curse for more than 50 years
Our undying obsession with house prices has left the economy dangerously exposed 

History Lesson: Russia and the West

How Russia Went from Ally to Adversary
When it came to those reforms, did we give the Russians bad advice, or was it good advice that they implemented badly? And, if it was bad advice, did we dole it out maliciously, to destroy their country, or because we didn’t know what we were doing? Many Russians still believe that Western advice was calculated to harm them, but history points at least partly in the other direction: hollowing out the government, privatizing public services, and letting the free market run rampant were policies that we also implemented in our own country. The German historian Philipp Ther argues that the post-Soviet reform process would have looked very different if it had taken place even a decade earlier, before the so-called Washington Consensus about the benevolent power of markets had congealed in the minds of the world’s leading economists. One could add that it would also have been different two decades later, after the 2008 financial crisis had caused people to question again the idea that capitalism could be trusted to run itself. 

Segment from Commanding Heights (2002):

Conglomerates and Economics Development

Modi’s Vision for India Rests on Six Giant Companies
Conglomerates are executing projects with a scale and speed that have eluded India in the past. ‘Era of great concentration.’ 

Elites and Biased Portrayals of Indian Democracy

India Under Modi: The Establishment Overreacts
Ever since Prime Minister Narendra Modi’s Bharatiya Janata Party led the National Democratic Alliance to power in 2014, the government’s critics—disproportionately concentrated in academia and the media—have been insisting that it is set to refashion the “idea of India.” Yet as the Modi government enters the final months of its five-year term, it is important to spell out what the regime has not done: It has not remotely compromised democracy, judicial independence, or religious pluralism. The sheer scale of the antipathy shown toward Modi cannot be explained by his governance record. This antipathy springs, rather, from the determination of the erstwhile Establishment to reclaim its old clout and influence from the counter-Establishment that has taken shape under Modi.
PDF Access:

India Tourism

Why India’s lesser-explored southern region is its shining star

Mumbai tour boom reveals startling diversity
India's second city is home to much more than finance and Bollywood movies
Kolkata makes mark as sweetest spot in South Asia 

Green Revolution and Developing/Emerging Economies

Can India Become a Green Superpower?
The Stakes of the World’s Most Important Energy Transition
The green transition won’t happen without financing for developing countries 

India and the U.S. Share Key Interests in the Energy Transition

Pakistan - A Troubled State

In missing submersible and migrant disaster, a tale of two Pakistans
Pakistani Taliban's 'shadow province' threatens China BRI projects
Extremist group aims to create parallel government in conflict-wracked Balochistan 

Florida is No Longer a Cheap Place to Live

Florida Is Losing Its Affordability Edge After Drawing a Flood of New Arrivals
The state's housing frenzy is starting to subside as higher mortgage rates and soaring insurance costs erode some of its attractiveness with newcomers. 

Assortative Mating - Interesting Items

The professions most likely to be paired up in marriage, and more! 

Rich Like Me: How Assortative Mating Is Driving Income Inequality

A NYTIMES piece notes:
“Assortative mating is the idea that people marry people like themselves, with similar education and earnings potential and the values and lifestyle that come with them. It was common in the early 20th century, dipped in the middle of the century and has sharply risen in recent years — a pattern that roughly mirrors income inequality in the United States, according to research by Robert Mare, a sociologist at the University of California, Los Angeles. People are now more likely to marry people with similar educational attainment — even after controlling for differences between men and women, like the fact that women were once less likely to attend college.”

Interesting graphic from Bloomberg – This Chart Shows Who Marries CEOs, Doctors, Chefs and Janitors

Tyler Cowen on Assortative Mating and Rising Inequality

Assortative Mating and the US Marriage Market
The Economist notes –
“While fewer women are marching to the altar—the proportion of those married before the age of 30 has fallen from 50% in 1960 to around 20% today—the ones that do increasingly look like Leah. Highly educated, financially independent women were once among the least likely to get hitched. Now they are getting married at a faster rate than their lesser-educated peers, and often to highly educated men. These unions are not only the most common, but also the most harmonious. New data show that America’s divorce rate has continued its plunge from its 1981 peak—from 5.3 to 3.2 divorces per 1,000 people in 2014—but this decline is largely concentrated among the better-educated. Among college graduates who married in the early 2000s, only around 11% divorced within seven years, according to data from Justin Wolfers of the University of Michigan.”

Interesting results from a Spanish study:
People selecting spouses primary from their their own 'class' (determined by income/education level) has significant effect on future generations. The above post notes:
“The tendency of people to marry someone similar, which economists call "assortative mating," is one of the most important factors in determining how wealth is distributed throughout a society and whether children are born with genuinely equal opportunities to succeed.”


Marriage Stability - Impact of Education and Income Levels
Educated Americans Paved the Way for Divorce—Then Embraced Marriage

US Equities versus Global Equities

Quant Firm AQR Spots Deal of the Century in Emerging Markets
Valuations show EM stocks at their cheapest in 25 years 

UK - Inflation Outlier

Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Fixing US Congress

Indo-US Ties

America’s new best friend: Why India is indispensable

Why India and the U.S. Are Closer Than Ever

India’s foreign minister on ties with America, China and Russia
Modi in America

Monday, June 19, 2023

Why San Francisco Sucks

The Root Causes of San Francisco’s Disorder
Covid lockdowns hastened the city’s decline, but it won’t recover as long as it clings to progressive obsessions. 

In San Francisco, a Troubled Year at a Whole Foods Market Reflects a City’s Woes
Tech workers have stayed home, and ongoing social problems downtown are forcing civic and business leaders to confront harsh realities about the city’s pandemic recovery. 

Global Inflation

In Argentina, Inflation Passes 100% (and the Restaurants Are Packed)
Argentina’s financial crisis has a surprising side effect: a flourishing dining scene in Buenos Aires, as residents rush to spend pesos before they lose more value. 

Sunday, June 18, 2023


The Optimist's Telescope: Thinking Ahead in a Reckless Age

Saudi Arabia Attempts an Image Makeover

Lionel Messi, Saudi Arabia and the Deal That Paid Off for Both Sides