Attention Economy

Monday, May 15, 2023

Robert E. Lucas Jr. - Influential Macroeconomist has Passed Away

Robert E. Lucas Jr., Nobel-Winning Conservative Economist, Dies at 85
Challenging the theories of John Maynard Keynes, he questioned the idea that government intervention could help steer the economy.

Noah Smith on Robert Lucas
Freshwater versus Saltwater Controversies:
In the 1970s the leading freshwater macroeconomist, the Nobel laureate Robert Lucas, argued that recessions were caused by temporary confusion: workers and companies had trouble distinguishing overall changes in the level of prices because of inflation or deflation from changes in their own particular business situation. And Lucas warned that any attempt to fight the business cycle would be counterproductive: activist policies, he argued, would just add to the confusion.
Is Freshwater Skepticism on Fiscal Multipliers Rooted in Theory?
Reacting to the Lucas Critique: The Keynesians’ Replies