The Game Theory of the Debt Limit Points Toward
Larry Hatheway notes:
To begin, this is not a classical prisoner’s dilemma, where cooperation is preferred, but incentives not to cooperate yield a classic “lose-lose” (in other words, suboptimal) result. That is a good thing, as the (dis)incentives point to cooperation, not self-interested defeat.
If one thinks of the possible outcomes: First, each side cooperates to reach a negotiated settlement. Second, one side negotiates in good faith, but the other does not. Or third, neither side negotiates in good faith, then the debt-ceiling negotiations are not akin to a prisoner’s dilemma because the negative payoffs (the losses) associated with not cooperating are potentially so large for both sides as to make cooperation the most likely outcome.
Larry Hatheway notes:
To begin, this is not a classical prisoner’s dilemma, where cooperation is preferred, but incentives not to cooperate yield a classic “lose-lose” (in other words, suboptimal) result. That is a good thing, as the (dis)incentives point to cooperation, not self-interested defeat.
If one thinks of the possible outcomes: First, each side cooperates to reach a negotiated settlement. Second, one side negotiates in good faith, but the other does not. Or third, neither side negotiates in good faith, then the debt-ceiling negotiations are not akin to a prisoner’s dilemma because the negative payoffs (the losses) associated with not cooperating are potentially so large for both sides as to make cooperation the most likely outcome.
The Way Out of the Debt Crisis Could Lead Back
Through the Civil War
The unique absurdity of the U.S.’s looming debt