Attention Economy

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

The Need for More Vocational Training

The Great Electrician Shortage
Going green will depend on blue-collar workers. Can we train enough of them before time runs out? 

How I sailed away from the college-at-all-costs track–and found my dream career

My Take from Feb 2021:
Long-term labor market challenges cannot be addressed by temporarily overheating the economy. We need to rethink our basic approach to worker training and provide direct support to those willing to undertake skill retraining/upgrading (there is currently a large-scale shortage of skilled tradespeople in the U.S. that is not being addressed). Policies aimed at encouraging every high school graduate to attend four-year colleges, regardless of their personal preferences/interests or academic preparedness, will prove to be counterproductive and lead to both grade and degree inflation. Creating German-style apprenticeship programs may offer a valuable alternative track for high school graduates.