Higher Interest Rates Slam Stocks and Profits But
Spare Workers
It’s common to hear analysts say that the stock market is not the economy. For decades that meant equities were soaring on the heels of low-interest-rate policies, while many lower-wage workers were being left behind. A growing share of corporate profits went to investors and higher-level executives, and rank-and-file employees got a smaller piece of the pie.
Now, as the Federal Reserve raises interest rates to the highest levels in 40 years, that equation is changing.
It’s common to hear analysts say that the stock market is not the economy. For decades that meant equities were soaring on the heels of low-interest-rate policies, while many lower-wage workers were being left behind. A growing share of corporate profits went to investors and higher-level executives, and rank-and-file employees got a smaller piece of the pie.
Now, as the Federal Reserve raises interest rates to the highest levels in 40 years, that equation is changing.
What Layoffs? Many Employers Are Eager to Hang On
to Workers.
Despite interest rate increases meant to cool the labor market, companies outside the tech industry worry about having too few workers, not too many.
Despite interest rate increases meant to cool the labor market, companies outside the tech industry worry about having too few workers, not too many.