Attention Economy

Friday, August 5, 2022

Will Big Pharma Once Again Derail Measures to Lower Drug Costs?

Republicans block cap on insulin costs for millions of patients

Democrats’ Long-Sought Plan for Lowering Drug Costs Is at Hand
Empowering Medicare to negotiate prices directly with drug makers has been a Democratic goal for 30 years, one the pharmaceutical industry has fought ferociously.
My take: 
Health care and higher education: Key drivers of long-term inflation by Vivekanand Jayakumar | The Hill, 01/31/22
There is a role for well-thought-out fiscal interventions to boost efficiency and competition in the health care sector. Reforming the U.S. patent system and making the federal government a more effective negotiator that can leverage its role as a large-scale purchaser to attain lower pharmaceutical drug prices are low hanging fruit that can be plucked with bipartisan support if the Big Pharma lobby can be kept at bay. 
