Attention Economy

Friday, March 4, 2022

Grad School Bubble?

Losing Money on Graduate Degrees
It’s no secret that some advanced degrees don’t pay off. But a new report from the Foundation for Research on Equal Opportunity offers some surprising insights—including that 60 percent of M.B.A.s and other business-related master’s degrees fail to provide a positive return…
“I think one of the biggest takeaways is the results for master’s degrees. We find that 40 percent of master’s degrees show negative ROI, that they do not have financial value after accounting for the cost of graduate school,” said Preston Cooper, report author and research fellow at the foundation. “And for some fields of graduate degrees, including M.B.A.s—which, by the way, is America’s most popular master’s degree—over half of those degree programs do not show positive ROI. So over half of students who are getting an M.B.A. are going to be worse off for having gotten that degree.”
Is Graduate School Worth It? A Comprehensive Return on Investment Analysis 

Higher Ed Added More Than 9,000 Master’s-Degree Programs in Less Than a Decade
The Great Master’s-Degree Swindle
Colleges are making a killing selling dubious credentials to naïve students. It can’t last.
