A triumph for Detroit over Davos
Harvard economist Larry Summers notes:
“A stronger tax base is central to American prosperity. What determines U.S. competitiveness is not whether we can lower our tax rates faster than other nations, but rather the strength of our fundamentals: the talents and skills of our workforce, the modernity and durability of our infrastructure, and the stability and trustworthiness of our institutions. We need to make important public investments in broadband Internet access, roads and bridges, basic research, climate change mitigation and education, from prekindergarten through the university level.
Workers around the world will also be better off
because this historic achievement enables tax burdens to be placed on those
most able to pay. For too long, mobile multinational corporations have used
accounting gimmicks and clever legal arrangements to avoid taxes, benefiting
their shareholders while shifting tax burdens to others”.
As wealthy nations back Yellen’s call for global
taxation, fears about national differences quietly persist
Harvard economist Larry Summers notes:
“A stronger tax base is central to American prosperity. What determines U.S. competitiveness is not whether we can lower our tax rates faster than other nations, but rather the strength of our fundamentals: the talents and skills of our workforce, the modernity and durability of our infrastructure, and the stability and trustworthiness of our institutions. We need to make important public investments in broadband Internet access, roads and bridges, basic research, climate change mitigation and education, from prekindergarten through the university level.