Attention Economy

Friday, October 29, 2021

Political Polarization - Causes and Consequences

How tech platforms fuel U.S. political polarization and what government can do about it
How to Fix Social Media
Twelve leading figures from tech, government and academia —including Nick Clegg, Amy Klobuchar, Josh Hawley and David French—discuss how to deal with the problems posed by the biggest social media sites.

The House of Representatives Is Failing American Democracy
By fleeing to the political extremes, a co-equal House of Congress is abdicating its lawmaking power

It’s Not Misinformation. It’s Amplified Propaganda.

David Shor Is Telling Democrats What They Don’t Want to Hear
Ezra Klein notes:
I want to stop here and say I believe, as does Shor, that educational polarization is serving here as a crude measure of class polarization. We tend to think of class as driven by income, but in terms of how it’s formed and practiced in America right now, education tracks facets that paychecks miss. A high school dropout who owns a successful pest extermination company in the Houston exurbs might have an income that looks a lot like a software engineer’s at Google, while an adjunct professor’s will look more like an apprentice plumber’s. But in terms of class experience — who they know, what they believe, where they’ve lived, what they watch, who they marry and how they vote, act and protest — the software engineer is more like the adjunct professor”.

Will America Remain a Stable Country?