Attention Economy

Sunday, June 6, 2021

Political Developments in Latin America

Politics in the Time of Corona
Niall Ferguson observes:
The real political problem in Latin America is that the elites in most countries have proved — over the 200 years since they gained their independence from Spain and Portugal — remarkably reluctant or simply unable to address the problems of the lower classes.
The recurrent pattern is, after prolonged periods of paralysis, for a far-left alternative to present itself and tear everything down, leaving nearly everyone even poorer. That is what happened in once-rich Venezuela under Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro …
Sometimes the illiberal right wins, sometimes the radical left. In the latter case, eventually, the right is restored to power and sets about turning back the clock. Then, rinse and repeat”.
The Brazilianization of the World

Left and Right Clash in Peru Election, With an Economic Model at Stake
Jair Bolsonaro is facing a political reckoning in Brazil. How far will it go?
El Salvador’s façade of democracy crumbles as president purges his political opponents