Attention Economy

Saturday, January 16, 2021

Jim Simons - A Quant Legend

Jim Simons Proved the Textbooks Wrong — Almost
Jim Simons Reveals Clues to Medallion Fund's Unrivaled Run
“At the core of the company, which employs about 300 people, is a great computing system, good scientists and low turnover, he said. Employees, who get a piece of the profits, sign non-disclosure agreements when they are hired and non-compete contracts after a couple of years on the job.
“It’s fun to work there,” Simons said in a question and answer format led by MIT professor Andrew Lo, who started the quant fund AlphaSimplex Group. “People get paid a lot of money.””
How Jim Simons Built the World’s Most Lucrative Black Box
A great read [highly recommended]: Jim Simons, the Numbers King