Attention Economy

Thursday, September 10, 2020

International Affairs: A Dangerous World

What’s Biden’s China Policy? It Looks a Lot Like Trump’s

The Case for American Military Bases in India
Amit Gupta, an Associate Professor at the USAF Air War College, notes:
“A closer alignment with the United States would provide multiple advantages to India particularly when considering the two-front threat that India now openly faces. The Indian military has planned for a two-front war against China and Pakistan but such a conflict would stretch the Indian forces thin and in the aftermath of the war impose a significant economic burden on the economy as the country would have to rebuild and increase its military assets.  Giving the United States a base on Indian territory, however, raises the costs for both Pakistan and China of waging a war—whether limited or full-blown—because it would raise the ire of Washington and that is something that Islamabad certainly does not want while Beijing would have to reconsider its strategy”.

India inducts Rafale jets amid rising tensions with China