Attention Economy

Friday, September 25, 2020

Identity Politics, Racial Justice and Higher Education Institutions

How Racist Are Universities, Really?
Hyperbolic accusations do more harm than good
How Princeton Opened Itself to the Ultimate Troll
Why the left and the right are exaggerating the racism of the Ivy League institution.
Conor Friedersdorf notes:
“Hyperbole about white supremacy at universities can obscure the true nature of real problems. For example, just 7 percent of faculty members at Princeton are Black, but citing that figure to prove that Princeton discriminates in hiring is misleading because, as Kennedy noted, African Americans in recent years earned only about 7 percent of all doctoral degrees. “The reasons behind the small numbers are familiar and heart-breaking,” he wrote. “They include a legacy of deprivation in education, housing, employment, and health care, not to mention increased vulnerability to crime and incarceration. The perpetuation of injuries from past discrimination as well as the imposition of new wrongs cut like scythes into the ranks of racial minorities, cruelly winnowing the number who are even in the running to teach at Princeton.” By blaming Princeton for a problem endemic to American society, activists risk misdirecting resources earmarked for diversity, equity, and inclusion to university elites rather than the people who need them most: less privileged outsiders hindered from advancement through no fault of the institution”.

The Fight Against Words That Sound Like, but Are Not, Slurs
“When universities invoke “diversity, equity, and inclusion” to justify an action, the effect should never be to suppress widely held views. When well-meaning staff are punished for dissenting from left orthodoxy, let alone for wholly imaginary slights, the whole academic project is at risk”.

Big Picture View:
Against Identity Politics: The New Tribalism and the Crisis of Democracy by Francis Fukuyama