Attention Economy

Monday, September 7, 2020

History Lessons: Black Death - The Fourteenth Century Plague

During pandemic, ‘Black Death’ scholar attracts doom-oriented fan base
“Many people, from ordinary peasants to local religious leaders, took the plague seriously and tried to carry out their normal duties. Clergy members were called to the homes of the ill to provide last rites, often contracting the disease in the process.
Others, however, ignored the calamity, turning to hedonism and debauchery, “figuring that if they were going to die, they might as well enjoy themselves,” Armstrong said.
“What I would say is that people are the same then as now,” Armstrong said. “Humans, when they’re together in a large group, often do dumb things. And it’s frustrating that so many people don’t seem to be learning lessons from the past.””