Attention Economy

Monday, April 13, 2020

Zoom - Dealing with an Unexpected Boom

Bloomberg Businessweek cover story:
Zoom Goes from Conferencing App to the Pandemic’s Social Network

Forbes cover story:
All Eyes on Zoom: How The At-Home Era's Breakout Tool Is Coping With Surging Demand—And Scrutiny

Zoom Stock Slides on Growing Security and Valuation Concerns
“The most dramatic incidents causing concern have been so-called “Zoom bombings,” in which unwelcome attendees access Zoom meetings and troll or harass participants. These incidents appear to be partly a matter of poor security practices by users, including publicly sharing meeting IDs and failing to password-protect meetings. It was also recently discovered that some users are unwittingly saving recorded files to the open web.
Those problems highlight an education gap, as tens of thousands of users adopt online meeting software for the first time.”