Attention Economy

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Government/Central Bank Bailouts - Wall Street versus Main Street

Abuse of government programs to support small businesses has already begun:
“Free money.
That’s the enticing prospect hedge funds and other trading firms are pondering after realizing they too might be able to participate in a historic U.S. stimulus package to keep small businesses alive through the coronavirus pandemic….
Some hedge funds already have applied, filling out forms to show they have fewer than 500 employees and certifying the “current economic uncertainty makes this loan request necessary to support the ongoing operations.”
Ironically, hedge funds are designed to employ as few people as possible so star traders don’t have to share millions of dollars in fees. The industry gets its name from the premise it can generate gains even when markets fall”.

Tax change in coronavirus package overwhelmingly benefits millionaires, congressional body finds

Effective Stimulus: The $1,200 stimulus checks are arriving. People are mostly spending them on food.

Has the Fed Finally Gone Overboard?
Fed’s High-Yield ETF Buying Defies Explanation
“Clarida is right that the coronavirus pandemic is an exogenous event that’s wreaking havoc on businesses and causing an unprecedented spike in unemployment. But how exactly do high-yield ETF purchases help Americans get jobs or pay rent? It’s one thing for the Fed to acknowledge that Ford Motor Co. and Macy’s Inc. lost their investment grades during the crisis, and for the central bank to then use its power to create a smoother path for those brand-name companies to get past this demand shock. It’s quite another to pledge to buy up to 20% of a fund almost entirely made up of businesses that carried junk ratings during the longest economic expansion in U.S. history”.