Attention Economy

Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Freshwater versus Saltwater Economists – Why is Macroeconomics so Political?

History/Background Info
A battle for the soul of macroeconomics
The return of schools of thought in macroeconomics
How Effective is Economic Theory?

The Austerity Debate in Europe
Austerity in Europe - A Natural Economic Experiment
The Monetarist Fantasy Is Over – THE UK SITUATION

US Political Debate
Trump's Disastrous Budget Deal Has Killed the Tea Party
Peter Schiff notes:
“In short, here's how the two parties operate: Democrats promise to raise spending and raise taxes, Republicans promise to cut spending and cut taxes. But, whereas Democrats have generally succeeded in both of their aims when they have power, Republicans have just succeeded in cutting taxes BUT NOT spending. (spending cuts require politically difficult choices that are much harder to vote for than perennially popular tax cuts). This puts a giant thumb on the Republicans' budgetary scale.
 Krugman on Zombie Ideas
How High Should Government Debt Go? Economists Can’t Agree

Two Competing Perspectives: