You Are Now Remotely Controlled – Surveillance Capitalism
London Police Are Taking Surveillance to a Whole
New Level
Anger at Big Tech Unites Noodle Pullers and Code
Writers. Washington Is All Ears.
We Read 150 Privacy Policies. They Were an
Incomprehensible Disaster.
The Roots of Big Tech Run Disturbingly Deep
Tech Giants Amass a Lobbying Army for an Epic
Washington Battle
How Silicon Valley gamed the world's toughest
privacy rules
How one country blocks the world on data privacy
Big tech faces competition and privacy concerns in
How Capitalism Betrayed Privacy
Columbia University Law Professor Tim Wu makes an
interesting point:
“The historical link between privacy and the forces of
wealth creation helps explain why privacy is under siege today. It reminds us,
first, that mass privacy is not a basic feature of human existence but a
byproduct of a specific economic arrangement — and therefore a contingent and
impermanent state of affairs. And it reminds us, second, that in a capitalist
country, our baseline of privacy depends on where the money is. And today that
has changed.”
Be Afraid of Economic ‘Bigness.’
“From a political perspective, we have recklessly
chosen to tolerate global monopolies and oligopolies in finance, media,
airlines, telecommunications and elsewhere, to say nothing of the growing size
and power of the major technology platforms. In doing so, we have cast aside
the safeguards that were supposed to protect democracy against a dangerous marriage
of private and public power.”