Attention Economy

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Economic Development - Interesting Items

Transition Economies – Thirty Years After the Collapse of the Berlin Wall

Africa’s Demographic Transition – Challenges Ahead 

Ethiopia’s Economy Is Booming, but at What Cost?

Millennials ‘Make Farming Sexy’ in Africa, Where Tilling the Soil Once Meant Shame

Africa needs a green revolution

Africa is attracting ever more interest from powers elsewhere

Shayera Dark notes:
“This penchant to accentuate the negative does more than reduce Africa to stereotypes; it also feeds the one-dimensional narrative of Africa as a war-torn, disease-ridden, poverty-stricken hellscape where all hope dies. This inclination to fit people and events into simple plot lines leads to what Nigerian author Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie calls the “danger of a single story.” A limited viewpoint, repeatedly promulgated, comes to frame all coverage and emerges as the only truth.”

Hiding the Real Africa