Nouriel Roubini notes:
“Unlike the 2008 global financial crisis, which was mostly a large negative aggregate demand shock, the next recession is likely to be caused by permanent negative supply shocks from the Sino-American trade and technology war.”
U.S., China dig in over trade; Trump calls
on firms to cut ties with Beijing
When will Trump supporters finally say, ‘Okay, this is not normal’?
When will Trump supporters finally say, ‘Okay, this is not normal’?
How to respond to a manic president driving the
economy into the ditch
Once a beacon of stability, the U.S. has become a source of tumult.
The Trump economy: A chaotic, contradictory response to a slowdown
Soaring deficits could put Trump in a corner if there's a recession
The Trump economy: A chaotic, contradictory response to a slowdown
Trump’s recession strategy will be trying to prove his wrong ideas are right