Attention Economy

Friday, May 3, 2019

Will Economic Sanity be Restored in Time? [MUST READ]

Steven Pearlstein:
The big mistake the Federal Reserve is making right now
“Which of these two developments strike you as a bigger risk to economy?
A. An annual inflation rate of only 1.6 percent instead of the target of 2 percent; or
B. A stock market levitating at record levels as a result of artificially low interest rates, record levels of corporate indebtedness and stock buybacks, an orgy of richly priced mergers and initial public offerings and a trillion-dollar federal budget deficit at a time of full employment?
If you answered B, then — congratulations! — you pass the 10-second sanity test offered by the Society of American Economic Historians.
If you answered A, then you might want to apply for one of the two still-open seats on the Federal Reserve Board, where you will feel right at home with other policymakers who appear to have learned nothing from the past four recessions.”
