Attention Economy

Tuesday, May 14, 2019

Surreal Politics

Conservatism has become a racket, and Trump is the grifter in chief

It’s clear why Trump likes autocrats. But why are American conservatives following him?

Consequences of a Second Term for Trump
Tom Friedman notes:
“I think a lot of people today are frightened that the country is getting pulled apart at the seams. It starts with Trump: His extreme language and behavior, amplified by social media, fuels extreme reactions. And this is clearly heating up the society and stimulating some fringe actors on the right to physically attack people they believe Trump has identified as “enemies” of the state.
Surely one reason Trump’s favorability rating is nowhere near as high as it should be — given the soaring economy — is that many Americans are worried that another Trump term will bring us to a political civil war.”

Decade in the Red: Trump Tax Figures Show Over $1 Billion in Business Losses
The Complicity of American Media
As a Businessman, Trump Was the Biggest Loser of All