Attention Economy

Sunday, May 5, 2019

Economists in the Tech World

Rise of the Techonomist


Interview - Preston McAfee
"Following a quarter-century career in academia at the California Institute of Technology, the University of Texas, and other universities, McAfee was among the first economists to move from academia to a major technology firm when he joined Yahoo in 2007 as chief economist. Many of the younger economists he recruited to Yahoo are now prominent in the technology sector. He moved to Google in 2012 as director of strategic technologies; in 2014, he joined Microsoft, where he served as chief economist until last year."

Susan Athey – Profile

Economists in the Tech World
Athey, Susan, and Michael Luca. 2019. "Economists (and Economics) in Tech Companies." Journal of Economic Perspectives, 33 (1): 209-30.