Attention Economy

Sunday, April 14, 2019

Insights from Psychology and Neuroscience

Five myths about psychology
Stephen Ilardi, an associate professor of psychology at the University of Kansas, addresses the following five widely held myths:
  • Myth No. 1: We only use 10 percent of our brains.
  • Myth No. 2: Talking about your problems helps.
  • Myth No. 3: OCD manifests as hyper-organization.
  • Myth No. 4: Mood swings are the hallmark of bipolar disorder.
  • Myth No. 5: Medication is the way to fix a chemical imbalance.

Why Facts Don’t Change Our Minds: New discoveries about the human mind show the limitations of reason.
"Elizabeth Kolbert notes:
“The Stanford studies became famous. Coming from a group of academics in the nineteen-seventies, the contention that people can’t think straight was shocking. It isn’t any longer. Thousands of subsequent experiments have confirmed (and elaborated on) this finding. As everyone who’s followed the research—or even occasionally picked up a copy of Psychology Today—knows, any graduate student with a clipboard can demonstrate that reasonable-seeming people are often totally irrational. Rarely has this insight seemed more relevant than it does right now. Still, an essential puzzle remains: How did we come to be this way?”