Attention Economy

Sunday, October 14, 2018

Political Uncertainty and the American Economy

Trumponomics and the US economic performance:
Adam Davidson notes:
“Trump is no longer a mystery. He is among the most transparent of public figures. The mystery is that it all works. The stock market, even with this week’s drop, has been at record highs. Unemployment is at record lows. Consumer and business confidence is robust. How can this be? According to basic economic theory, businesspeople should look at this chaos and realize it is unsustainable.
G.O.P. politicians and some sympathetic economists argue that the tax cuts and deregulation are spurring business. But there is one idea that Keynesians and Chicago School thinkers have long agreed upon: It is always possible to give an economy a sugar rush, a short-term boost, by flushing huge amounts of government money through the system…
An important lesson of the financial crisis of ten years ago is that markets are very bad at figuring out how to respond to warning signs.”.