Interesting new research –
Resources, Conflict, and Economic
Development in Africa
Natural resources
have driven both growth and conflict in modern Africa. We model the interaction
of parties engaged in potential conflict over such resources. The likelihood of
conflict depends on both the absolute and relative resource endowments of the
parties. Resources fuel conflict by raising the gains from expropriation and by
increasing fighting strength. Economic prosperity, as a result, is a function
of equilibrium conflict prevalence determined not just by a region's own
resources but also by the resources of its neighbors. Using high-resolution
spatial data on resources, conflicts, and nighttime illumination across the
whole of sub-Saharan Africa, we find evidence confirming each of the model's
predictions. Structural estimates of the model reveal that conflict equilibria
are more prevalent where institutional quality (measured by, e.g., risk of
expropriation, property rights, voice and accountability) is worse.--
The Economist on the challenges facing Congo