Actual Facts (not alternate ones):
US Population: 324 million
World Population: 7400 million
US share of world population: 4.4% (approximately)
According to Penn World Table 9.0:
China’s Real GDP (PPP) in 2014: $17.12 trillion
US GDP (PPP) in 2014: $16.6 trillion
MNCs should make their views clear.
FT’s John Gapper notes:
companies, agents of many economic changes in recent decades, face an
existential challenge. Unlike other presidents, Mr. Trump does not want to work
with them or to reform them: he wants to bring them to heel. On the campaign
trail, he promised a fight for the soul of business between globalisation and
nationalism, and it turns out he meant it….
the more that
global companies testify to what made them — the cross-border flow of ideas and
people, the global recruitment of the best and brightest, and caring less about
ethnicity and nationality than entrepreneurialism and talent — the better the
chance they have.”
Corporate America – Defender of American Values?