Attention Economy

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Weekend Readings - Reality TV Presidency, British Hypocrisy

A Reality TV Presidency
Extraordinary piece from the Washington Post
“Trump has shown that his tendency to obsessively consume media — especially cable television — is unchanged in the six days since he has become president. He appears to be making policy decisions via things he watches or reads. (Remember Trump's famous/infamous statement that he got his military information and advice “mostly from the shows.”)
At odds with all of this, however, is the fact that Trump is both deeply proud and hugely image-conscious. Having to read and watch allegedly loyal “aides” casting him as a sort of feckless child constantly in need of guidance wouldn't seem to be the sort of thing that would sit well with him.”

Personality based foreign policymaking

Post-Brexit Britain – Foreign Policy Driven by Economic Imperatives
British hypocrisy becomes more obvious: