Attention Economy

Thursday, January 5, 2017

Business and Politics

A brilliant piece from Jennifer Rubin
“We normally wouldn’t remark upon a new head of a trade association, especially the Business Roundtable, which has been much less visible than other pro-market, pro-growth advocacy groups lately…
First, he and his members need to start defending trade, high-skilled immigration and globalization. These have helped lift billions out of poverty, given Americans the widest array of affordable goods any people in human history have ever enjoyed, stimulated phenomenal innovation, and allowed Americans to increase their earnings and wealth by selling their goods around the world. Unfortunately, Republicans have lost their nerve to defend these simple truths and the free-market policies that made them possible. Even those who know better refuse to defend these elements, which are at the heart of a free-market economy. (Groups such as Heritage Action are fair-weather friends of capitalism, refusing to rise in defense of trade or immigration for fear of losing favor with Trumpkins.) If business and its employees don’t do it, who is going to make the case for the building blocks on which American industry and workers rely?”

Americans have benefitted tremendously from globalization –
Globalization Has Done A Lot Of Great Things For Americans by Panos Mourdoukoutas