Attention Economy

Sunday, October 23, 2016

International Economics - Interesting Items

Labor Mobility – US versus Europe
An interesting piece from The Atlantic:

Collapsing British Pound – Risk of a New Currency War?
The dramatic collapse of the British pound is stoking global concerns:

Britain – A Divided Country with Serious Economic Problems
“Fault lines have appeared in British society that are larger and more extreme than elsewhere. The gap between the rich and poor is greater here than in almost any other country in the EU and nowhere else do billionaires and the destitute live so closely together. The per capita gross domestic product of London is 186 percent of the EU average, and yet several of the city's neighborhoods are among the poorest in the country. In parts of Wales, some people earn less than people in Sicily. Lots of societies are splintered, and the UK has never been an exception, but these gaps have now become virtually unbridgeable.”