Attention Economy

Monday, December 14, 2015

Monetary Economics - Important Issues

Low Inflation or Deflation Fears Overstated?
Greg Ip of the WSJ notes:
"…But fear of superlow inflation or even deflation may be getting out of hand. Goldman Sachs calculates that the fixed-income markets are projecting 32% odds that inflation remains below 1% for the next five years—which seems far too pessimistic. “We’re not inflation hawks,” says Charles Himmelberg, chief credit strategist at Goldman. “Inflation pressures are very well contained. That is distinct from saying deflation is a big risk now.””

Persistence of Low Inflation Rates

Asset Prices and the Fed:


Neil Irwin takes the long view on interest rates in the US:
“… But the lessons of history do offer this guidance: Whether rates will be high or low a few years from now has very little to do with what the Fed does this week. It has quite a lot to do with what happens to forces deep inside the economy that are poorly understood and extremely hard to forecast. And just because many people are old enough to remember the high inflation and high rates of the 1970s and 1980s doesn’t mean that is the normal to which the economy will inevitably revert”.

US Inflation Rates Since 1775: