Attention Economy

Sunday, November 29, 2015

Income-Share Agreements - A Solution to the College Student Debt Problem?

A very interesting piece from the Washington Post notes a bold experiment in US higher education –
“If college is an investment, students don’t have to be the only ones reaping the returns. Or for that matter, taking on the risks. In one novel alternative to private student loans, investors could front students the money to pay for college in exchange for a percentage of their future earnings. But what are the dangers to students who accept these so-called income-share agreements? Who would benefit the most? This week, Purdue University took a step toward answering some of those questions by partnering with Vemo Education, a Reston-based financial services firm, to explore the use of income-share agreements, or ISAs, to help students pay for college.”

Interesting suggestions for reducing cost of higher education at American universities -